Let’s get to know a little more about Sanctuary Cove Country Club personal trainer, Melanie Hardy. We took five with Mel to ask her about her daily routine, what’s playing in her ears right now and how she spends her downtime.
Q: What do you love about being part of the team?
A: The members! They are all super lovely and I love chatting to them each day.
Q: What does your typical day look like?
A: My typical day looks like:
– 4.30am Rise and shine.
– 5am Coffee!!!
– 5.30am-7am My first morning clients for the day.
– 7am Race back home to do the school drop off.
– 8.30am Back to the gym for my next lot of lovely clients.
– 12ish Finish PT and train myself.
– 1pm Home for a protein smoothie, walk our dog George, nourish bowl for lunch, sauna, office work, fitness programming for clients. I also have a travel business, so I work on this too.
– 3pm School pick-up, kids after school sport, homework.
– 6pm Dinner, make school lunches and our meal prep for the next day.
– 9pm Bed
Q: What’s your go-to work out?
A: When I don’t have long to train I like to do 4 sets of 12-15 reps of four big muscle group moves such as Bulgarian lunges, hip thrusts, incline bench press and pull ups. End with some cardio on the stepper.
Q: What are you listening to right now during your workout?
A: I am always trying to learn more so I listen to podcasts that can help me in life and with my clients. I love Peter Attia’s work so I listen to him most days.
Q: Favourite spot to grab a bite to eat at Sanctuary Cove?
A: I love the nourish bowls at Pier B.
Q: Do you have a hobby or special talent?
A: My hobby is my profession… I love lifting weights, I love to bake healthy treats, I really enjoy eating! We are really into camping; we love the outdoors.
Q: How do you take your coffee?
A: Small flat white with almond milk.
Q: How do you like to spend your downtime?
A: Camping, being outdoors enjoying our beautiful weather. The beach on a Sunday morning to watch the sun rise. An early morning surf with Wayne and the kids.
Q: Best health/nutrition/fitness tip?
A: I don’t have one, I have a top three!
1. Work on your strength.
2. Eat protein with every meal.
3. Don’t forget cardio – heart health is so important.
Q: Favourite sporting team?
A: I’m a Melbourne girl so I love the AFL!
If you’re keen to find out more about Melanie and how she can help strength and condition your body, give her a call on 0419 302 732.